The Challengers turn Friday night’s local derby from out of nowhere and win 12-3 against the Zurich Barracudas. So the Challengers travel to the European Federations Cup in Slovakia with a good feeling.
In the first three innings, Livio Bundi’s first-inning solo home run was the only exclamation mark. While the Barracudas added two more runs for a 3-0 lead in the fourth inning, the Challengers managed just one hit in the first half of the game. Seen in this way, the turning point came almost out of nowhere. Patrick Maier opened the sixth inning with a single and launched the big turn. The Zurich team sent no fewer than 16 batters to the plate. Eleven of them scored a run, eight hits, including two doubles by Regis Reinhard and Nick Siemers, mainly made up for it.
With that the game was decided. Even more so while the Challengers pitchers Simon Steffen, who got his third win, and Stefan Haltmeier, who got his third save of the season, pitched very strong.
The Challengers are now packing their baseball bags. They will play from at the European Federation Cup in Bratislava (Slovakia), that will take place from Monday till Saturday next week. A derby victory in your luggage is the best motivation for this.