C’s finish third despite 2-1 record

For already the 13th time, the Annual Spring Tournament took place on March 29 and 30. Participants were the title holders Tübingen Hawks, the Barracudas and Challengers, plus first-time participants Baldham Boars. They will compete in the second German Bundesliga this season. After droping the opening game 7-12 to the Barracudas, the C’s held on for a 4-3 win over the Boars on Saturday and improved to 2-1, as they posted a 11-7 victory over the Hawks on Sunday. With two wins the C’s were tied for first place, but missed the finals according to the C.E.B. tie-breaking rule. The Barracudas won the spring tournament by beating the Hawks 9-1 in the final. Further infos at turnier.challengers.ch

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C’s are 1-1 after Day 1

For already the 13th time, the Annual Spring Tournament will be held on March 29 and 30 2008. Participants are the title holders Tübingen Hawks, the Barracudas and Challengers, plus first-time participants Baldham Boars. They will compete in the second German Bundesliga this season. After day 1 the Challengers have a 1-1 record. After droping the opening game 7-12 to the Barracudas, the C’s held on for a 4-3 win over the Boars. Defending champions Tübingen Hawks are in first place again with a perfect 2-0 record. The C’s will face the Hawks on Sunday at 1.15pm. Further infos at turnier.challengers.ch

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13. Frühlingsturnier

Bereits zum 13. mal wird am 29. und 30. März 2008 das traditionelle Frühlingsturnier durchgeführt. Mit dabei sind die Titelverteidiger Tübingen Hawks, die Challengers und Barracudas, und zum ersten Male die Baldham Boars. Diese werden diese Saison in der 2. Bundesliga bestreiten. Das Turnier wird zum letzten Mal auf dem altehrwürdigen Heerenschürli stattfinden. 2010 soll dann das neue Feld mit der 14. Ausgabe des Turniers gebührend eingeweiht werden. Alle Infos unter turnier.challengers.ch

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